Another great intuition in terms of expansion dates back to these years too: Navalimpianti was facing an overload of work and in the same years the historic shipyard Uljanic in Pula was facing a moment of serious difficulty; Eng. Attilio Dall’Osso smelled immediately the potentiality of establishing a new strategic site in Pula … this is how Navalimpianti Pula was established in 1996, today a centre of engineering specialized in design and 3D.
Today, after more than20 years since their first use, the group is still the only worldwide producer of telescopic davits. There are today almost 200 (*** check the numbers) cruise ships featuring the telescopic davit systems by Navalimpianti Tecnimpianti Group.
And it is also the worldwide leader in the design and production of swimming pool sliding covers; today there are more than 80 ships featuring Navalimpianti skydomes cruising the world’s for the most prestigious shipping companies.